·Contrôles anti-dopage : trop, pas assez, autrement ?
Anti-doping tests: Too much, not enough, differently?
Page :141-143
Pascal Kintz
Articles originaux / Original Articles
·Epidemiological profile of medication errors in Morocco
Page :144-151
Sara Jadda, Zakaria Abidli, Hinde Hami, Houda Sefiani, Abdelmajid Soulaymani, Abdelrhani Mokhtari, Rachida Soulaymani-Bencheikh
Inorganic arsenic exposure of the French general population. Identification of toxicity reference values
Page :152-193
Robert Garnier, Aurélie Mathieu-Huart, Sylvaine Ronga-Pezeret, Emmanuel Nouyrigat, Pierre Benoit, Jean-Pierre Goullé, Claire Granon, Jacques Manel, Nastaran Manouchehri, Patrick Nisse, Jean-Claude Normand, Agnès Roulet, François Simon, Pierre Gabach, Christine Tournoud
Revue générale / Review Paper
Positive blood ethanol concentration without alcohol consumption in the living subject: The auto-brewery syndrome. Clinical and forensic consequences
Page :194-199
Marie Martin, Jean-Claude Alvarez
Études de cas / Case Reports
Page :200-204
Imane Iken, Mohammed Abdessadek, Ahmed El Attari, Sanae Achour
·Descente fatale après consommation de 3-méthylmethcathinone (3-MMC) : à propos d’un cas
Fatal comedown after taking 3-methylmethcathinone (3-MMC): A case report
Page :205-209
Frederic Aknouche, Christophe Maruejouls, Angeline Kernalleguen, Kati Teston, Cédric Mazoyer, Wilfrid Gasnot, Fanny Pellegrino, Nadia Arbouche, Laurie Gheddar, Alice Ameline, Pascal Kintz
Factitious disorder imposed on another: A paediatric case report documented using hair analysis
Page :210-216
Aurélie Muckensturm, Marjorie Cheze, Daniel Valet, Marie-Charlotte Quinton, Sandra Bodeau, Anne-Sophie Lemaire-Hurtel, Marc Deveaux, Guillaume Hoizey
Postmortem assessment of nutritional status in an infant by biochemistry and screening for trace elements in hair
Page :217-222
Anne-Laure Pélissier-Alicot, Cristian Palmière, Pascal Kintz, Marc Augsburger, Lucile Tuchtan-Torrents, Patricia Garcia, Valérie Baillif-Couniou, Caroline Sastre, Marie-Dominique Piercecchi, Georges Léonetti
·Interpretation of the toxicological findings in a probably Energy drink intake-related fatality
Page :223-227
Florian Hakim, Thierry Chianea, Franck Sturtz, François Paraf, Jean-Michel Gaulier
Page :228-234
Pascal Kintz, Nadia Arbouche, Estelle Godard, Jean-Sébastien Raul
Commentaire à… / Commentary to…
Commentary to the article “Inorganic arsenic exposure of the French general population. Identification of toxicity reference values”
Page :235
Robert Garnier, Aurélie Mathieu-Huart, Sylvaine Ronga-Pezeret, Emmanuel Nouyrigat, Pierre Benoit, Jean-Pierre Goullé, Claire Granon, Jacques Manel, Nastaran Manouchehri, Patrick Nisse, Jean-Claude Normand, Agnès Roulet, François Simon, Pierre Gabach, Christine Tournoud
Lettre à la rédaction / Letter to the Editor
·Impact de la thanatopraxie sur le dosage de la carboxyhémoglobine : étude de stabilité sur 28 jours
Impact of embalming on the dosage of carboxyhemoglobin: Stability study over 28 days
Page :236-237
Alice Ameline, Jean-Sébastien Raul, Pascal Kintz