Vol 32 – N° 1 – mars 2020
Lettre à la rédaction / Letter to the Editor
·Dosage sanguin du cannabidiol après consommation par e-cigarette
Testing for cannabidiol after e-cigarette use
Page :1-3
Pascal Kintz, Emilie Feisthauer, Emurie Abe, Marie Fetter, Sébastien Roux, Jean-Claude Alvarez
Articles originaux / Original Articles
·Evaluation the multi-organs toxicity of methamphetamine (METH) in rats
Page :4-11
Iraj Ahmadi, Hossein Foruozandeh
Validation of an LC-MS/MS method for the quantification of seven angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE) and three active metabolites in plasma by LC-MS/MS. Application to a toxicokinetic study of ramipril and perindopril acute poisonings
Page :12-22
Paméla Duguès, Nicolas Fabresse, Bruno Megarbane, Jean Claude Alvarez, Islam Amine Larabi
·La ciguatéra : 25 ans d’expérience du Centre Antipoison de Marseille
Ciguatera Fish Poisoning: 25-year experience of the Marseille Poison Control Centre
Page :23-32
Luc de Haro, Corinne Schmitt, Mathieu Glaizal, Bastien Domangé, Romain Torrents, Nicolas Simon
Revue générale / Review Paper
Inorganic element determinations: Arguments for their reimbursement by French national system of health insurance
Page :33-61
Josiane Arnaud, Nicolas Beauval, Muriel Bost, Ma’atem Béatrice Fofou-Callierez, Souleiman El Balkhi, Robert Garnier, Bénédicte Lelièvre, Sarah Romain, Martine Ropert Bouchet, Nourédine Sadeg, Jean Pierre Goullé, Groupe de travail conjoint éléments inorganiques Société française de biologie Clinique (SFBC) – Société française de toxicologie analytique (SFTA)
Études de cas / Case Reports
·Convulsions après ingestion de Verpa bohemica : à propos d’un cas
Convulsive seizure after eating Verpa bohemica : about a case
Page :62-64
Léonard Jupin, Corinne Schmitt, Bastien Domangé, Luc de Haro, Nicolas Simon
·Intoxication à la colchicine : importance des conditions initiales pour la prise en charge
Colchicine poisoning: Importance of initial management conditions
Page :65-69
Marie Allard, Marion Soichot, Marion Leclercq, Emmanuel Bourgogne, Karim Jaffal, Bruno Mégarbane, Laurence Labat
Study of cyanobacterial exposure cases reported to poison control centers between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2018
Page :70-80
Chloé Greillet, Magali Labadie, Jacques Manel, Luc De Haro
Paederus dermatitis: Management of a telemedicine case by the Medical Maritime Consultation Center of Toulouse and thanks to the entomological identification of the National Museum of Natural History
Page :81-84
Pierre Trannoy, Claire Villemant, Patrick Roux, Vincent Bounes, Jean-Christophe Gallart
Page :85-88
Jules Vaucel, Nicolas Le Blond du Plouy, Arnaud Courtois, Coralie Bragança, Magali Labadie